by Anthony Bear | Jan 18, 2015 | Heart Space, News
I am super excited to announce … 3 Performances this Week – all in the Bay Area! And I couldn’t be more excited with some of the artists that I get to share the stage with. First …. It Starts Tomorrow Night!! January 18th at No Name Bar I am...
by Anthony Bear | Aug 25, 2014 | Heart Space, News
There’s nothing like the smell of the ocean air sitting on the porch on Navy Rd with my guitar singing to the wind and the paddle boarders floating by. They wave eagerly because they think that I must be a big name musician to be sitting there writing songs with...
by Anthony Bear | Aug 6, 2014 | Heart Space
Many of you know me as a musician. Some of you know that I am an entrepreneur and creative director. Some of you know that I am a workaholic and very passionate about what I am doing. But barely anyone knows what the world is like inside of my mind and my heart. No...