The Spider and the Liquid Mirror
The surface of the water is a very curious and unique place. From the sky, the water shimmers blue and green and bounces rays of light in a million directions. From the land, the waves in the ocean turn creamy white with trillions of tiny bubbles and crash onto the...

Bi-Polar New Year’s Birthday Blessing
It was the morning of New Year's Eve, 2014 in Las Cruces New Mexico. Inside, the hotel heater hummed hot air into the dark room and outside the gray sky was bright with a frigid, bone-crushing cold. Bear tried to sit this morning and meditate but could not. So many...

If you had one wish …?
Six months ago, I would not have believed that any of this was possible. The girl, the car, the house, the money, the lights, the people. Six months ago, I was sitting in a tiny one bedroom apartment twiddling my fingers and writing a song on my guitar, but now, I...

Visualizing a Dream
When Bear was a child, he used to love to go to the fountain at the center of town in the mornings. The mist would cling to the old cobblestone walkway as he stepped gently along, careful not to disturb the comforting and rare morning silence. It was never easy to...

Christmas in New Orleans
The light was dim coming through the old crooked blinds, but still Bear could not sleep. Something always rattled around in his mind waking him up early in the morning with passion and purpose. Maybe it was years of voices in his mind telling him that he was going...